About Me

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Pascal Pinon consists of twins Ásthildur & Jófríður from Reykjavík, Iceland. Together they play low-fi indie acoustic pop in their bedroom. Welcome to this little blog with various things, interesting and not so interesting at all.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

lyrics 4 everyone

here are lyrics with translations that i put together by request from our friend florian. i will post more l8er and there is also something on our myspace blog.
have the nicest :)))))


Og mitt mál
er horfið
horfið sjónum
í burt nú
í dag er ég þriðjudagur
ei frídagur
staðir þangað sem við fórum
lokuð augun
ekkert meir
tekur myndir
af þér og moi
ég á myndir, minningar
af þér og moi

And my matter
has disappeared
from my sight / to the sea (means the same thing in icelandic)
away now
today I am tuesday
not a holiday
places where we went
closed eyes
nothing more
a camera
takes photos
of you and moi
I have photos, memories
of you and moi

(these lyrics were written by ásthildur and me. she wrote something first that i then added to without really knowing what it was about. but then i imagined this was about loosing somebody and being really depressed going through old photos of this person. moi was our favorite word at the time and we thought it was really funny to replace me with moi. i don't think it's that funny anymore though.)


Að vera einn út á engi
með einum manni og einni kind
að finna þyt í laufum
að finna ferskan vind
ég er hér en þú ert þar
og samtök væru synd
ó viltu hætta að níðast á mér
með þinni orkulind.

Stundum er ég einmana
og vil þá fara heim
á stjörnubjartri nóttu
ég horfi út í geim
vorið er og vorið var
alltaf á leiðinni
ó viltu hætta að segja mér
frá fortíðinni.

Að lifa á þessu landi
það eru fríðindi
hvers má maður gjalda
fyrir þau hlunnindi?
frumvarpið og andvarpið
með öll sín blíðindi
ó viltu ekki hafa af mér
öll mín réttindi.

Hvar er heitt og hvar er kalt
en hvar er hvorki né?
Ég skrifaði á hend mína
nú húðlit hvergi sé
ég hef unnið ég hef unnið
hvenær fæ ég hlé?
ó viltu ekki drepa hann
drepa hann E.T.

To be alone out on a field
with one man and a sheep
to feel the sound of leaves
to feel the fresh wind
I am here and you are there
and collaboration would be a shame
oh would you stop hurting me
with your energy source.

Sometimes I am lonely
and want to return home
on a star bright night
I look up to outer space
the spring is and the spring was
always on its way
oh would you stop telling me
about the past.

To live on this land
is a privilege
how should one suffer
for those benefits?
The bill and the sigh
with all their sweetness
oh would you not betray me
of all my rights.

Where is warm and where is cold
and where is neither
I have written on my hand
and can't see the skin color
I have worked I have worked
when will I get a break?
Oh would you not kill him
kill E.T.

(this song is about school and i wanted to call it school but the girls wouldn't allow me. my class was called 10.ET and the E.T. reference in the end is to that. it's about how school is bad and boring and it's easier to see it if you speak icelandic but it also says in the last line: please don't kill him, which means it's bad but it's also good even if you don't talk about that all the time. i hope you get it but it makes sense if it makes no sense.)