About Me

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Pascal Pinon consists of twins Ásthildur & Jófríður from Reykjavík, Iceland. Together they play low-fi indie acoustic pop in their bedroom. Welcome to this little blog with various things, interesting and not so interesting at all.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010


svo þannig hefur það verið í dag. að mixa. hlusta á það sama aftur og aftur. ekki margt áhugavert ég veit. en það er næstum búið og þá verður stórt partí blogg þess til heiðurs.
verið glöð
pascal pinon

so that's how it's been today. mixing. listening to the same thing again and again. not much interesting I know. but it's almost done and then we'll have a big party blog to celebrate.
stay happy
pascal pinon

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