About Me

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Pascal Pinon consists of twins Ásthildur & Jófríður from Reykjavík, Iceland. Together they play low-fi indie acoustic pop in their bedroom. Welcome to this little blog with various things, interesting and not so interesting at all.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Myndir frá því í gær/Pictures from yesterday

Hæ á ný!
við erum mættar aftur í vinnuna, það er verið að setja upp skápa, raða hljóðfærum á veggi og ýmislegt fleira.
hér er verk gærdagsins, neðst má sjá mynd af verndarenglum verkefnisins, þeim Sampo og Ruben, nútímatónskáldum frá Finnlandi og Noregi, og svo eru myndir af alskonar.

kv.Pascal Pinon

Hi again!
We are back at work, now we are putting shelves together, arranging instruments on the walls and various other things. Here is yesterday's work, at the bottom you can see a picture of the guardian angels of this project, contemporary composers Sampo and Ruben from Finland and Norway and then there are pictures of all sorts of things.

Best, Pascal Pinon

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